By Molly Miller
What is the human toll for our purchases? Do the organizations we support care about their employees? Do they support the local community? How is their money invested?
These are some unanswered questions leaders in green building design say we have not addressed as we have developed ways of evaluating green buildings through certifications, such as the International Living Future Institute's Living Building Challenge (LBC) and the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED certification.
At the Living Future's annual conference last week in Seattle, Jason McLennan and BNIM founder Bob Berkebile launched the JUST label, an extension of the Declare label that addresses social justice and equity issues, such as as diversity, worker rights, health care and employee happiness, occupational safety and stewardship practices, including investments and community involvement.
Both Declare and JUST are part of a push for greater transparency for products materials in green buildings. READ MORE >>