The Melody’s 63 units are surrounded by amenities for the active person — a sunny gym, an outdoor fitness circuit, play areas for children, balconies and ter- races. The new multifamily development, which opened its doors on June 1st, is the first project to achieve a LEED innovation point for the emerging field of Ac- tive Design. From the art- and music-filled stairwells to the signage prompting smart exercise choices, the LEED Platinum building is designed to help its occu- pants lead active and healthy lives.
The Melody is an afford- able housing project built on a former City-owned brownfield in the South Bronx, NY. Award- winning affordable hous- ing developer Blue Sea Development Company pursued the project in partnership with Habitat for Humanity of New York City, with support from NYC Housing Preservation and Development, NYC Hous- ing Development Corporation, NYS Homes and Community Renewal, NYC Dept. of Design and Construction, the Bronx Borough President, and NYSERDA. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. supported the green initiatives and ENERGY STAR certifica- tion on its third LEED for Homes Midrise Platinum certified collaboration with Blue Sea by providing field inspections, performance testing, energy analysis, docu- mentation, and commissioning services. READ MORE >>