Over the centuries unique cultures have emerged from adaptations to extreme or unique conditions. The project Adaptive Layering is aimed to allow Sahelian cultures to survive the threat of climate change, desertification, westernization/globalization, and population growth. Adaptive Layering allows the culture to adapt in a manner appropriate to preserving many of its basic ideologies.
The Sahel is the ecoclimatic and biogeographic zone of transition between the Sahara desert in the North and the Sudanian savannas in the south. It stretches across the north of the African continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea. READ MORE >>
The body of work designed by Deborah Richards, author of the project, supports a possible future where the cycles and systems that support people and their physical environments are continuous; where architecture and planning can develop overtime alongside changing inputs; and where new relationships between people are catalyzed through interactive software, materials and architecture.
via www.arkinet.com